Indigo Dreamers is an enchanting soulful-pop duo based in Delray Beach, Florida. Comprised of the talented husband and wife team, Jamie and Pouya, this dynamic duo has been gracing the stage together for over a decade. Their music is a mesmerizing blend of soaring vocals, innovative bass work, and meticulously crafted arrangements, all woven together into a unique musical tapestry that touches hearts. They released their debut album, Lessons of Blue, in 2017, which received notable press from AXS, Pop Dose, and I'm Music Magazine. In addition, they have release numerous singles: Marriage of Sound (2020), which features Grammy nominated guitarist Ardeshir Farah, Time on My Hands (2020), Base Our Love On (2022) and they are currently finishing up a new single to be released early 2024. Their cover of the hit song "Trampoline" is featured on Sirius XM’s The Covers Channel. Indigo Dreamers have supported touring acts such as the Counting Crows at SunFest 2022 and Shawn Mullins and Dar Williams at the Broward Performing Arts Center. They have also shared the stage with Bakithi Kumalo, Paul Simon’s longtime bass player as well as making an appearance at TedX Boca Raton in 2019. Indigo Dreamers maintain an active presence in the South Florida music scene and perform wherever their music takes them, whether is be over land or overseas.
Original Music
Marriage of Sound
Official Music Video
SunFest 2022
Live Full Band Performance
Time On My Hands
Official Music Video
Live Weekly Covers
Live Performance
Where Have You Been
Live Studio Performance
Live Performance
Booking, Press, and Licensing
Jamie Craig